Sunday, July 26, 2015

1554 Must've Been A Good Year

Photo: New Belgium Brewery, Fort Collins, CO

As I mentioned in the last post, I was not anxious to try anything from New Belgium after drinking their Fat Tire ale, but this is THE beer that broke down the barrier between me and New Belgium.

I was a cold winter night when I was introduced to 1554 Black Lager at a friend's house. I didn't expect to stay very long, so before I left home, I just grabbed whatever was left in the fridge (probably a few SweetWater 420's) to take with me. After arriving, I put the beer in my friend's fridge (after taking one for myself) and went in to join the party. A little while later, I went back to get another, and they had mysteriously disappeared. Well, not mysteriously. A couple of "beerless" folks had asked if they could have one, and of course I said yes.

A late arrival to the festivities had brought 1554 with him. I had never met this guy, but we struck up a conversation about beer. He (like me) was a fan of beer and we both made jokes about being "beer snobs". Anyway, I said I'd never tried 1554 and asked if I could try one. He insisted I try one, and have more than one if I wanted.

I didn't read the label before I took a sip. Very nice. An unexpected smoothness. A rich, malty taste without being too "heavy". Then (to my surprise) followed by a hint of chocolate. I've had some "chocolate beers" before, but didn't find them to my liking. This one keeps the chocolate taste at bay on the initial sip, lets you enjoy the good beer flavor, then the chocolate taste peeks it's head in the door and says a nice, quiet "hello" as it leaves your mouth. Yes. I became a fan of 1554, and the wall between me and New Belgium came crumbling down. I don't mean to suggest that 1554 is a "chocolate beer", but it does have chocolate as part of it's flavors.

When poured, it's very pretty to look at. A clear brown/black color with a thick, creamy, ivory colored head. This is a good after dinner brew, or to have with friends around the fire on a cold evening. The only problem I have with this beer is remembering it's name. I am terrible at remembering numbers, so I have a hard time remembering "1554". I always say "that black lager beer with the date as it's name". But even though I can't remember the name, I don't have any trouble finding it.

Would I buy this beer again? Have and will

Hoppy To See You Rating: 4.00 | 5
Highest possible rating: 5

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