Sunday, June 21, 2015

Rollin' Down Highway 420

Photo: SweetWater Brewery, Atlanta, GA

OK, guys. You're not fooling anybody with the highway sign. Nice try. We all know what "420" is associated with. At least with your Hop Hash Double IPA (which I hope to review soon) you're up front with your reference.
But seriously, I like this beer. For a very long time it was my "go-to" beer when in a bar or restaurant. I always knew it would go great with a pizza, burger, or just about anything. I started buying it to have at home. There was almost always a SweetWater 420 in the fridge. It's easy to see why this is one of SweetWater's most popular choices. I liked the fact that it was mild pale ale, not a strong hoppiness (not that there's anything wrong with that), but you can taste them. No strong bitterness. It has a 5.7% alcohol content, so it's not too much to have a couple of these with your evening meal if you want.
I still tend to ask for 420 in restaurants. Most restaurants that have any kind of beer selection at all have it, so it's an easy and "safe" choice.

Would I buy this beer again? Of course!

Hoppy To See You Rating: 3.5 | 5
Highest possible rating: 5

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