Saturday, November 5, 2016

Where have you been Hyde-ing?

Jekyll Brewing Southern Session Blonde Ale

I suppose they could have thought of a longer name for this brew, but it's OK. I don't care what the name is, as long as it's tasty, and this is tasty! If you've read my other beer reviews (which, I know is very presumptuous of me) you know I'm a fan of the session ales. I like them because they're relatively low in alcohol, you can drink more than one (or two) without impairing your mental and physical abilities, and they're good with burgers, pizza and such. But finding a really good one is a bit a of struggle. I've had some great ones (Tailgate's Blacktop Blonde) and I've had some horrid ones (Straight To Ale's 6 Alberts). 
Well, this is a good one. It's brewed in Alpharetta, Georgia and their slogan is "Beer Like It Oughtta Be!" And for this particular Jekyll offering, I would agree. 
If you're one of those beer-drinkers that only enjoys a dark stout or a hopped up IPA, you may consider the Jekyll Blonde too citrusy or lightweight. I enjoy all types of beers – the richest, darkest dark to the hip-hop hoppiest of IPA's but (for me) those beers are to enjoy as a "standalone" refreshment and to only have one (or two at most). The Jekyll Blonde is a brew you can split a six pack with a friend or two over a burger and enjoy the rest of the day or evening without feeling like you need to go take a nap. The best part is, this is one delicious, refreshing brew– standalone or otherwise.
I must admit, I haven't poured one into a glass to check the head and color, but just for fun, using instinct guided by experience, I'm going to guess what it would be like. I'll bet it is a light orangey yellow, a little cloudy, and a bubbly, short-lasting head. I would go check to see if I'm right, but I drank all of them already. So now I have an excuse to go buy some more... which I'm going to do. Right now.